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About Us

Amud Yomi Chabad

Amud Yomi Chabad is an organization that promotes and facilitates the study of an Amud of Gemara each day.

It was established in Tammuz 5780 by a group of London Chasidim and encouraged by Anash Rabbonim in London – Dayan Levi Yitzchak Raskin and Rabbi Gedalya Lieberman – and by Rabanim and Mashpiim worldwide.


The program systematically studies Shas one Amud a day from Sunday to Thursday, with Friday and Shabbos reserved for review.

What services do we provide?


Organizing local shiurim with personalized flyers and designated charity bank account for easy funding.


Study Companions for Masechta Sotah study during the Sefiras Haomer


Weekly Study Companion'with the Gemara, translation, illustrations, summaries, and Halachas.


Study calendars for the AYC study schedule



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